Even though I may not have been writing this blog over the last couple of months, it has been on my mind frequently. As a mom, you wish for your children to find life long friends to grow up with and to share life experiences. When I was 10 we moved from a small town in the mid-west to Tucson, and once in Tucson I frequently changed schools, going from private to public school. My parents were searching for the best education, and I was searching for the friendships I left behind.

still within her reach.
I am explaing all of this, not because I am jealous of them although I do envy them at times, but because their friendships of lifelong friends is something I dream of for my children. You can make great friends as you get older, becuase I have some of the best you can find. But those friendships when you are children allow you to share
I am explaing all of this, not because I am jealous of them although I do envy them at times, but because their friendships of lifelong friends is something I dream of for my children. You can make great friends as you get older, becuase I have some of the best you can find. But those friendships when you are children allow you to share
the innocences of your childhood.
However, it seems my daughter keeps choosing friends who move away. Their parents seem to be searching for something more then what Tucson can offer. My father-in-law believes people who move from Tucson because they feel it is too small, often return for it's smallish feel and its wonderful community.
With 70 degree weather in Feburary and being able to find every season within a four hour car trip, how can you not love living in the Old Pueblo. There is not a month in the year where your children can not go outside and play. Even in the heat of the summer, you can swim. Try to play outside in a Minnesota blizzard for more than 10 minutes.
I have a friend who moved to Michigan in October, and her four year old declared he was moving back to live with his grandparents because he was tired of bundling up to go outside. Even four year olds know we have it pretty good.
We at the Stork's Nest believe in the Old Pueblo, and all its charm. This is why we have an entire link on our site dedicated to all things Tucson : http://http//www.storksnestofoldpueblo.com/cgi-bin/quikstore.cgi?
We carry items that reflect our desert lanscape, our old west heritage and even items that help you feel like you are in one of our world renowned spas. These items are great for sending to grandkids, friends, and family, those who don't live here, so they too, can experience the charm, warmth and uniqueness that is the Old Pueblo.